Gutter Knight Albury supplies and installs Gutter Guard for:
And a lot more – just simply contact to ask us…
Gutter Knight Albury supplies and installs only the highest quality Aluminium or Steel gutter mesh to suit all types of foliage, roof types and heights we cover the lot. We have a variety of mesh sizes ranging from 2mm through to 5mm ensuring the perfect solution for your Gutter Guard requirements.
When quoting for you, we will suggest the most appropriate gutter mesh for your job taking into consideration all the surrounding tree types, type of roofing, guttering material, if bushfires are a potential risk and also if there is a water tank in use.
Part of our service is prior to gutter guard installation we thoroughly clean out all of your gutters and valleys to ensure they are clean of any leaves and debris before installing your gutter protection.
Another great benefit is all our gutter protection mesh is powder coated to suit the colour of your roof and a matching metal trim for the gutter also, meaning your gutter mesh will not be obtrusive and will blend nicely into your roofline.

Tiled Roofs
Gutter Knight supplies and installs a variety of gutter mesh to suit all types of tiled roofs including concrete, terracotta, masonry and pressed metal tiles like Decramastic.
Valleys and Box Gutters on tiled roofs can also have gutter guard installed providing full protection for your roof.
Our gutter mesh for tiles is installed and secured up and under the base of the second tile and then secured to the front edge of the gutter by using galvanised steel screws and a metal angle trim forming a totally sealed area that easily lets water in but keeps debris, leaves, and vermin out. When installed the gutter guard mesh has a downward slope over the outside edge of your gutters, this makes it easier for debris and leaves to simply slide off or be blown off the roof by the wind.
All fittings used are powdered coated to suit the colour of your roof and gutters, to provide a seamless and neat look.
*On Tiled roofs it is important to have the mesh fully cover over the gutter – some gutter guard systems sit inside the gutter, these systems don’t work as effective because they allow leaves and debris to be trapped between the mesh and roof, also allowing vermin to enter.

Metal Roofs
Gutter Knight supplies and installs a variety of gutter mesh to suit all types of metal style roofs including Corrugated, Klip-Lok, Spandek, Trimdek, bullnose (on verandas) and other types of metal roofing.
Valleys and Box Gutters on metal roofs can also have gutter guard installed providing full protection for your roof.

The gutter mesh is secured to the roof using metal ‘saddles’ (not silicone) that are held in place with galvanised self-sealing rubber topped screws which places downward pressure on the gutter guard mesh to ensure it is secure and tight against the roof so leaves and foreign debris cannot get under the mesh. The other side of the gutter mesh is secured to the gutter edge again by galvanised screws with a metal angle trim that forms an enclosed area that easily lets water in but keeps debris, leaves, and vermin out. This again acts like a ‘ski-slope’ as leaves just slide off or blow off with the wind.
All fittings and mesh used are powdered coated to suit the colour of your roof and gutters, to provide a seamless and neat look.
*On Metal roofs it is important to have the mesh fully cover over the gutter – some gutter guard systems sit inside the gutter, these systems don’t work as effective because they allow leaves and debris to be trapped between the mesh and roof which can cause corrosion under the metal roof lip from moisture, also allowing vermin to enter under the gaps.

Bush fire prone areas – Fire Ember Gutter Guard
Gutter Knight supplies and uses a ‘certified Steel Ember Guard’ specially developed and tested gutter guard protection mesh system for use in high fire-prone areas. This mesh uses a tighter 2mm aperture (hole spacing) and is specially designed for high bushfire rating areas – This product has passed all Australian standards as required and is the ‘Rolls Royce’ of gutter guard – Keep safe, don’t be fooled by imitations on the market using plastic mesh fobbing off as fireproof, if it’s not steel it’s not a certified fire ember guard…
Our 2mm All Steel Mesh meets all new Australian Standard requirements for Ember Guards for all bushfire attack levels – check with your local authority to see what applies to you.
Safety is our Number One Priority
We take safety extremely seriously. If we deem a roof to be unsafe or dangerous due to roof / structural damage we will not work on it. Installers follow a strict installation and safety guideline when installing leaf guard/gutter protection on your roof, we understand the dangers of being on a roof and our priority is safety for us and those around. They are all trained at working at heights which gives you the peace of mind knowing that all safety measures are being followed to ensure you end up with a fantastic leaf-free gutter system in a safe environment.
For Commercial jobs, we provide SWMS (Safe Work Method Statements) and perform Risk Assessments prior to starting these jobs. Our team carry roof harnesses with them and are trained in their use.